Friday 11 June 2010

Just calling in because it's been so long since I posted anything.
I made a banana and walnut cake that sank in the middle because I put in too much banana. Tasted good, though.
:: I'm taking a break from plotting out the mural I'm hoping to paint for the gorgeous Maggie next week.
I love this sort of work, even though designing does not come as easily as the drawing and painting - anyway, I think I'm almost there ...
Or should go more for this sort of all-over flowery bowery effect ...
like in this pic I took of gorgeous artist Emma Hack, who paints all over bodies, continuing a patterned background over the body in such a studied detailed way that, from the correct viewpoint, the body almost disappears. Then she makes large-format photographs of the work. Amazing!
:: It's cold, and I'm sitting at my desk with a hottie on my lap.
I awoke at some ungodly hour this morning absolutely freezing ... I had thrown back the doona and turned on the fan (its remote control is on my bedside table) in what must have been a menopausal moment, then fallen straight back asleep.
:: On TV, I'm loving Place of Execution on Thursday nights. It's a good, tight whodunit/thriller, well-acted and written, and I haven't got a clue what can have actually happened.
I'm also enjoying Lost in Austen, which I didn't manage to see all the way through last time.
:: More news soon, I promise!


barbara said...

Hi Lesley, Your mural sketches are looking lovely! Thanks for your post, I've just made some ginger cakes, perfect for cold weather ...

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Good to catch up.
Your sketches are lovely.
I enjoy your art.
A hottie on your lap... language can make things endlessly amusing.
Here a *hottie* is a really sexy-cute-attractive guy... that would warm things up!

Laura Jane said...

Yeah, a hottie on your lap - you'll need a striong chair!

Sketches looking great, I'll come and watch a bit, maybe film you a bit when you're doing it if you like.

I LOVED Lost in Austen too, I've got the DVD.

Fairlie - said...

Add me to the lovers of Lost in Austen list!

Great to catch up on your bits and pieces.