Saturday 17 January 2009

The other VeniceThe sun was near to setting when we called in at Venice Beach, just to have a look.It was pretty much as I expected.Lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of noise and lots of tacky shops and stalls selling fast food and tacky souvenirs and clothing. Mind you, had I wanted something pierced or tattooed, or to buy a smoking implement, or to have my karma amended or my future told, I'd have been in the right location.And some of the graffiti was pretty amazing.And the murals.Dace said the whole place and the scene were reminiscent of Kuta, in Bali.Which probably explains why I've never been there!
There was even a Bondi — no relation.I've been to both Venices now, and even the one in Las Vegas — and I know the one I prefer ... if only by a whisker!


Anonymous said...

Tell me you bought geisha leggings to go with your new boots.

M said...

I was thinking the same thing. You DID buy the leggings didn't you. I mean, you'd just HAVE to.

Lovely photos. Much better than Lonely Planet.

Jennifer said...

Gee, I'm kind of surprised that you didn't have your fortune told, actually....