Friday 24 February 2012

Swedish and cooool

I'm pottering today. It's sunny and breezy and I'm about to hang out my third load of washing. Bliss!
I'm finishing off a dress I'm making (for me) out of one of the famous Japanese books.
I'm planning a bigger version of the bags I posted about in my last post.
I'm trolling through real estate websites.
I'm contemplating getting back to Julia in Sienna, and maybe making her a younger woman.
And on top of it all, I'm listening to the Nick Haywood Quartet (Australian, fab and a very new find for me), and my ultra-absolute-favourite Esbjorn Svensson Trio (Swedish), who are playing live in the video above. Love love love it.
Svensson, the brilliant pianist, died in 2008 in a scuba diving accident, when he was only 44. Whenever I listen to the album ths track is from, Seven Days of Falling, I can't help but think of that and how sad it is that he's gone. And I wonder what the other two guys are doing now.
:: Oh, must tell you - I got an email a few weeks ago from an Australian living in New York who wants to feature one of my Our Lady of the Immaculate Tea Strainer tea cosies in a book she's writing! I said yes!


Fairlie - said...

That's fabulous about the tea cosy! I *LOVE* my apron.

victoria said...

Well those tea cosies definately deserve to be in a book!
The start of the red quilt looks very promising.

Lesley said...

Thanks, Fairlie and Victoria: I wish I'd made myself one of those tea cosies now!