Tuesday 16 September 2008

Checking in
Lily, Nick and I finally started the long trek southwards yesterday, leaving Cobble Hill, on Vancouver Island, in beautiful, beautiful British Columbia, to catch the ferry from Victoria, Canada, to Anacortes in the US. Now it's Monday morning and we're in Lily's home in Olympia.
David had to fly home to San Diego on Saturday for a big few days at the Bondi, and — horror of horrors — the day before, Lily fell on the stairs in the glorious old Empress Hotel in Victoria, injuring her ankle. And the codeine-based painkillers the doctor prescribed have made her throw up, so she's really been in the wars.
So she and Nick will stay in Olympia. I will too, until Wednesday, when David will fly up to join me for the drive home. I've been contemplating driving home alone, but on the big interstate freeway it's over 1600 (fast, straight and boring) kilometres, which is a long way!
But apart from poor old Lil, we've had a brilliant time. Such a beautiful part of the world.
More later!


Laura Jane said...

Hey LEsley! Long time bo hear!

I'm typing this without my glasses so if it looks blurry that's why! Hmm, the test word will be a challenge.....oops, take two, clearly a big challenge

Poor Lily!LOve to Dave, have a great drive back.


Anonymous said...

HI Lesley ,
Glad you are back and most of all that you have had a great trip. Sorry to hear of Lily's fall, I hope she is on the mend. Have a safe trip home.