Monday 28 January 2008

Going bush
You'd think spring had sprung down here in SoCal, looking at this pic of blossom from a couple of days ago. But it's still wet, wild and windy — it's fantastic! I woke up in the night with the wind howling and the bedroom curtains horizontal — and then couldn't get back to sleep for a while worrying about what the hummingbirds do when the weather is ferocious. Cling on, I expect.
Dave, Will and I are off to the Bondi this arvo for Bondi's first big birthday party. Then tomorrow, we're going to Palm Springs for a couple of days.
See you later!

1 comment:

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Congratulations on the Bondi Birthday!
It is not totally unheard of for my husband and me to leave the house alone, together and I was telling him we should go check-out this fun place I keep hearing about...
Have a great time in PS, and with the Joshua Trees.