Monday weigh-in
With lots of the above, almost every day, I've lost 2.2 kg (4.85 — oh, let's call it 5 lb) in three weeks and four days. I've lost 800 g (1.7 lb) since last Monday's weigh-in. Yee-ha!
:: Off to see The Police tonight — I'm so excited! Though I can't work out whether I'm as excited about tonight's concert as I am about Thursday's ... when we're off to the Hollywood Bowl to see REM! Oh I do so love living in California!
:: I have joined the 'Play it Forward' exchange, from one of my daily blog reads, Kotkarankki, written by Ulla from Finland. Here's how it works: I'll send something I've made myself to the first three people to comment saying they'd like to take part.
I don't know what it will be yet: it could be some sewing...

.... or a painting ... well, maybe not a whole restaurant window ...
... or anything quite as big as this one ...
... but maybe more like one of my butterflies, which are about 30 cm by 24 cm (12" by 9") ...
... or perhaps you'd like something knitted, or a couple of skeins of hand-dyed wool ...
... or something from one of my new projects, which I'll be posting about soon. And I won't send it this month, or even next month, but I will send you something in the next six months — I promise! What you have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. So just let me know!
What a lovely idea!
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would LOVE to have some of your beautiful creations (says I looking lovingly at my lighthouse!)I wonder what your new project will be?
Um, I think I want to play!
I could put up my hand for socks, I have never owned home knitted sockies in life... You clever people who knit.
A lovely idea.
I wish I could see the police too...
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