Thursday, 20 August 2009

Hyde Park
Hyde Park (the one in Perth, not the London one) has a particular beauty about it in winter, without all its foliage, the huge plane trees showing off their mottled grey bark, and the lake full of water.
This family of swans was out and about this morning.
They took the babies for a stroll before jumping into the water.
I've always been a bit wary of swans, and remember my grandmother telling me with relish, when used to take me to feed the (white) swans at Pulls Ferry in Norwich, that a blow from a swan's wing could break your leg.
I don't believe that, of course, but swans are pretty big and can be aggro when they want to be, especially when they're with cygnets, so I didn't get too near to this lot this morning.
How lucky we are in Perth, at least in these older parts, to have so many parks and gardens.
I've been walking with my best mate, Caroline, and we try to sally forth a couple of mornings a week.
Caroline and her family, like us, are new to this part of Perth, so when we set forth, alternating between her house and mine as our starting points, we go exploring and adventuring, and frequently get excited over coming upon an amazing old house, or a beautiful street, or an arty shop.
It really is a fabulous part of town.
:: I went to see the man who left yesterday's warning about the rat poison, and his dogs, two corgis, are doing okay but are still at the vet's. Fingers crossed.
:: I'm going to have a grand-daughter in January! Yay and double-yay! Now ... must get sewing and knitting ...


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Lesley! Congratulations!
Hyde Park looks beautiful, but it's the last bit that is truly beautiful.

Frogdancer said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Laura Jane said...


What lovely news!

Gina said...

Beautiful pictures and what fabulous news for you and your family

Love and hugs Ginaxxx